About FINISH Society
Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation and Health (FINISH) Society is a multistate not-for- profit NGO registered in 2010 under the Societies Registration Act 1860. FINISH Society is working to promote sustainable and inclusive access of water, sanitation and hygiene services to impact health and environment.
Our Mission
To design and implement need-based solutions to improve access of sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services.
Our Vision
To impact health and quality of lives inclusively.
Core Values
Strive for creating impacts which last.
Integrity and transparency is our culture.
We believe in achieving together and creating shared values.
We value confidence in our people and our partners.
We respect our commitment to deliver in time.
No. of households facilitated with safely
managed sanitation systems
No. of people reached with awareness on safe WASH behaviour
No. of children impacted through WASH in School programmes
No. of households practicing segregation under solid waste management programmes
Average per year Solid Waste
CO2 equivalent GHGs emissions saved per year
WINNERS, WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY COMPETITION The World Environment Day functions done under the leadership of Vivek Singh (Hardoi) and the hand-crafted images …
ITC-MSK & FINISH launch DSWM project in 3 sanitation zones of Chirala Urban ITC Mission Sunehra Kal is supporting the Swachh Bharat …
Signify-FINISH make a splash for illuminating 5 PHCs in Udaipur Signify, the world leader in lighting, recently illuminated 5 primary health centers …
3-day training program held on water & waste management in rural areas Basic concepts of groundwater recharge techniques, aquifers, artificial recharges, types …
Sakhi Prerna Bhavan ‘Dignity Room’ inaugurated in Nandurbar FINISH Society is working in partnership with NSE Foundation in Nandurbar block for creating …
Role of men in MHM Not just ‘WoMen’ talk: Period ‘Hush! He is here!’ is a phrase often used by a group …
Committed to raise blood levels to combat anaemia Experts say that people often compromise with their health due to lack of awareness …
Let’s get WASHed up! FINISH Society featured in ‘Soch for Swachh’ publication Let’s get WASHed up! FINISH Society featured in ‘Soch for …
Figuratively speaking. Figuratively Speaking According to Impacts of Poor Sanitation, Courtney Prentice, Borgen Project June 2014, not only are there health consequences …
Braving odds and coming up trumps is the FINISH way of life. Braving odds and coming up trumps is the FINISH way …
Mangalpurwa, a small village nestled in the Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary of Uttar Pradesh, spent years living in the shadow of darkness and …
Dungarpur, a small town in Rajasthan, has consistently made its mark as one of the cleanest cities in India. In the Sanitation …
In the heart of Shirur Block, nestled amidst the rolling fields of rural Maharashtra, lies the Anganwadi center of Dandwate Dara in …
In a quiet village of Sindri Colony, Nirsa, lived a boy named Ashutosh Kumar, the son of Ramlagan Prasad, a salaried worker, …
In a quiet village of Mugma Basti, where opportunities were scarce, Nitu Singh’s life took a remarkable turn. A homemaker with big …
In the serene village of Joshpur, nestled amidst lush fields, lived Joshna Kumbhakar, a simple rural housewife with big dreams but limited …
In the small town of Kumardhubi, Vivek Kumar’s story began like that of many others. Son of Manoj Roy, a salaried worker, …
In the heart of Kota, Rajasthan, nestled in the Landmark Paradise Welfare Society, resides a woman who has become a beacon of …
Amid the busy streets of Kotewali Gali in Hardoi, three young volunteers—Sonali, Shruti, and Stuti—are leading a remarkable transformation. Their efforts to …
In the heart of Lakhan Kalan Gram Panchayat, in the lap of lush greenery and the hum of village life, stood GSSS …
एक कदम
हाल की चित्तौड़गढ़ यात्रा ने मुझे गहरे संतोष और गर्व से भर दिया। यह यात्रा केवल एक ऐतिहासिक स्थल का दौरा करने …
उदयपुर राजस्थान के वॉर्ड नंबर 56 में श्रीमती गीता शर्मा और उनके बेटे लक्की शर्मा ने स्वच्छता और कचरा प्रबंधन को बढ़ावा …
यह प्रेरणादायक कहानी नेहा यादव के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जो FINISH सोसाइटी की एक समर्पित सदस्य हैं और उन्होंने उदयपुर के वार्ड …
यह कहानी है सोहन कुँवर जी की, जो राजस्थान के डूंगरपुर जिले की रहने वाली हैं। डूंगरपुर में सोहन जी अपने पति …
यह कहानी हमें सिखाती है की यदि जागरूकता और जानकारी का अभाव हो तो किस प्रकार से सोना भी पीतल के समान …
यह कहानी है सुजात जी की, जो मूलतः तो पश्चिम-बंगाल के रहने वाले हैं लेकिन रोजी रोटी की तलाश उन्हे पंजाब के …
आधुनिक कृषि के निरंतर विकास के साथ, कृषि उत्पादन में जैविक उर्वरकों की भूमिका और भी महत्वपूर्ण होती जा रही है। जैविक …
यह कहानी है लखीमपुर जनपद के पसगवां ब्लॉक के जसमढी ग्राम पंचायत के एक छोटे से मजरे नेवादा की, इस छोटे से …
जवाहर नगर की कच्ची बस्ती, राजस्थान राज्य की राजधानी जयपुर में, आगरा-जयपुर बायपास के किनारे बसी एक बस्ती, जो आशियाना है लगभग …
हरदोई जनपद में, डीसीएम श्रीराम-फाउंडेशन के सहयोग से फिनिश-सोसाइटी द्वारा चलाए जा रहे, खुशहाली स्वच्छता परियोजना के अंतर्गत हमारी टीम को अनेकों …