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In line with our vision of sustainable and equitable sanitation for all, we have invested in building backward and forward relationships. Our partners include NGOs, Government Agencies, Financial & Academic institutions, Private companies etc.

ACTIAM is also one of the concept partners for FINISH Project and primarily helps the program with financial engineering needed in the areas of sanitation. For more info visit-

WASTE is one of the concept partners for FINISH Program. They have been supporting the FINISH project since its initiation and providing their technical expertise. For more info visit-

UNU Merit is our academic partner along with being concept promoters. They conduct research relevant to innovations in sanitation and waste management for expanding horizon of FINISH Program For more info visit-

Ashesh Ambasta | Executive Vice President and Head (social investments), ITC Ltd

FINISH Society has been partnering with ITC Mission Sunehra Kal for over 3 years now in thematic interventions comprising sanitation, school WASH and solid waste management. Happily, the partnership has steadily expanded and now spans ITC Mission Su nehra Kal's interventions in four states. FIINISH Society brings strong community mobilisation ability, knowledge and commitment to the table. Specifically, commendable has been their rapid internalisation of ITC's decentralised community led solid waste m anagement approach and thereafter its effective roll out in the project areas. I would like to congratulate FINISH Society on their 10th Anniversary and look forward to a continued successful partnership in the times ahead.

Ashesh Ambasta | Executive Vice President and Head (social investments), ITC Ltd.

Binu Arickal | Regional Manager, WaterAid India West Office

It has been a pleasure working with such a professional partner. We are delighted to learn that FINISH society is 10 years old now! I offer my heartiest congratulations to FINISH Society on behalf of WaterAid India for completing ten successful years of establishment. FINISH Society and WaterAid India has been associated with each other through a partnership for WASH in residential tribal schools in Maharashtra. During the last three years, FIN ISH has worked on WASH components both hardware and software in 58 Ashramshalas. In these years of partnership, FINISH society has shown exemplary dedication towards their work. I congratulate them on their success and wish them all the best for their future.

Aman Pannu | Head Corporate Communications & CSR, DCM Shriram Ltd.

On behalf of DCM Shriram Ltd., I would like to congratulate FINISH Society and its entire team on completing a landmark decade of creating Social Impact in India. The impact created b y the organization over these years is truly remarkable. Organizations are made by their people and it holds true of the commitment that the grassroots team members at FINISH Society bring to the forefront. We at DCM Shriram are indeed proud to have been working with FINISH Society for our Shriram Swachhagraha School Led Total Sanitation intervention program. Post our signing of an MOU with the District Administration of Kota in May 2018 for constructing/renovation of 1072 government school toilets, the i mpact that we have made in the lives of our communities through the Behavior Change Program in the schools over the years has been possible due to the commitment and ground level initiatives takes on by the FINISH team. The collaboration with FINISH has be en a learning experience for us also in terms of Behaviour Change project implementation of SLTS.

Mrityunjai Ray | CSR Head, Maithon Power Ltd., (A Joint Venture Company of Tata Power & DVC)

I would like to congratulate the entire FINISH Society team on completing 10 very successful and impactful years in the development sector. This will be the 4thconsecutive year of our association with you. On this occasion, I get reminded of those days when we started our projects with you. We had to spend long hours in the sun to educate the community about the ill effects of open defecation and also the early morning follow ups with the team. It has been a remarkable journey so far. Thank You FINISH team for being a partner in Tata Power’s efforts to make this world a better place and sharing our vision of overall development of the poor and underprivileged.

Anand Anand Ganesa Iyer | Consultant & Owner, The Solution Centre

My association with FINISH is almost from the date it was planned rather than born. After taking shape, the organisation initially focused on Decentralised Household sanitation. The main issue with sanitation systems as being practiced in various parts of India was that they mig ht have a sanitation system but need not necessarily be a safe and sustainable sanitation system. So FINISH opted to avoid the pitfalls on focusing just on ensuring that there are sanitation systems in place but SAFE sanitation systems from the word go. Th is makes FINISH very different from other organisations and institutions working in the field. Once the first step of sanitation was covered quite well, the organisation diversified in to Liquid Waste Management, setting up treatment plants for open draina ge to improve the quality of the receiving water body. Other diversified area was getting in to Municipal Solid Waste Management and Septage Management. Integrating the two to arrive at an integrated Waste Management System.

A J James | Consulting Environmental & Natural Resource Economist, Founding Director, Pragmatix Research & Advisory Services Private Limited

More than the thought leaders of the FINISH initiative who did a commendable job to keep the momentum going with innovative ideas and gutsy determination -my admiration is for the younger generation who left relatively well-paying jobs in the private sector and chose to follow their leader with commitment, dedication and zeal for an unproven social enterprise. To the best of my knowledge, this is unparalleled in corporate history: although there are several casesof individuals who have left senior management to set up organic farming or to support social causes, these have invariably been people who have made their millions –not a group of young, idealistic middle management and junior executive level bunch withthe usual challenges of providing for their families, children and retirement. And to have stuck it out for 10 difficult years, growing a fledgling enterprise, taking on the challenge of working with governments, and of cajoling CSR funding is a fantastic achievement

M. Subburaman | Consultant & Director, SCOPE

FINISH Society has been doing great work in the water and sanitation sector for the past 10 years and I am proud to have worked with them. Around 10 years ago, in TN and in India, there was little knowledge or awareness among the local population about sanitation.

Another remarkable achievement was the creation of Learning Guides for stakeholders, containing basic and practical details of how to build a toilet, what kind of toilets are environmentally safe , how much space is required, what kinds of materials, and in what quantities, will be needed, and the Dos and Don’ts of constructing toilets. Such a thorough examination of critical issues in sanitation was unique and proved very useful for all the villag ers who were informed about these details via the FINISH field teams. This was a remarkable achievement and made FINISH a pioneer in the field of sanitation and hygiene in India.

Ravinder M | Founder and Director, Enlightenment Academy

FINISH brings in absolute professionalism to the work they undertake. They do a splendid job of quality and professional work. FINISH is led by dynamic and inspired leadership-Mr Abhijit Banerji is full of passion and is a visionary. He leads from the front and built a highly motivated team of true professionals who are very dedicated and devoted to serving the society-especially the poor, needy and the women.  Through my multiple interactions I have found that FINISH is always striving for innovative and creative solutions right from designing, delivery and execution of the tasks and activities. FINISH demonstrates absolute transparency and accountability to the entire process of budgeting and funds utilisation. FINISH is a Centre of Excellence in the field of Social Projects and it is a delight to work with them.


FINISH is supported by many partners in its endeavour to improve water, sanitation and hygiene services promotes circular economy through waste management programmes, improves livelihood opportunities, skill building and evidence based research and learning initiatives.
