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Let’s get WASHed up! FINISH Society featured in ‘Soch for Swachh’ publication

Let’s get WASHed up! FINISH Society featured in ‘Soch for Swachh’ publication The Good Sight is a monthly e-publication on development sector. Every month it brings stories of change from across the length and breadth of India. Its latest issue on “SOCH FOR SWACHH” draws Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) leaders from across the globe. FINISH Society, the Indian implementation partner/ face of FINISH Mondial featured in this issue as a possible, sustainable solution to deliver WASH and related services on a scale in India. The article speaks about FINISH Mondial, as a global partnership programme, its conceptualization, implementation amid COVID-19, sustainable approach and impact on vulnerable population. The article also covers a short story of a community health facilitator and a quote from Abhijit Banerji Director, FINISH Society. Click here to read the SOCH FOR SWACHH issue! (FINISH Society feature on pages 72–77).
