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FINISH Society Reaches 1 Million Toilet Benchmark

FINISH Society reaches 1 million toilet benchmark FINISH Society reaches 1 million toilet benchmark Varanasi, March 27: F.I.N.I.S.H. (Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation & Health) Society reached a rare milestone when it dedicated its 1 millionth individual household (IHH) toilet in Dahiya village of Imayatpur block of Chandauli district this morning. The toilet was declared open

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Urban MHM Study

Urban MHM Study For women around the globe, access to safe and dignified menstruation is a fundamental need. Inadequate menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is a public health concern. Along with that, deficient information and lack of awareness regarding menstrual health and hygiene practices are often the causal agents of unnecessary restrictions which in turn affect

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Labelled Loans, Credit Constraints And Sanitation Investments

Labelled Loans, Credit Constraints and Sanitation Investments Download Can Micro-Credit Support Public Health Subsidy Programs ? (English) ABSTRACT The low take-up of cost-effective and highly subsidised preventive health technologies in low-income countries remains a puzzle. One under-studied reason is that the design of subsidy schemes is such that households remain financially constrained. This paper analyses

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Let’s Get WASHed Up! FINISH Society Featured in ‘Soch For Swachh’ Publication

Let’s get WASHed up! FINISH Society featured in ‘Soch for Swachh’ publication Let’s get WASHed up! FINISH Society featured in ‘Soch for Swachh’ publication The Good Sight is a monthly e-publication on development sector. Every month it brings stories of change from across the length and breadth of India. Its latest issue on “SOCH FOR

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