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A Girl’s Journey From Bad Health To Empowerment

In the quiet village of Jhalthekriwal, nestled in the serene landscapes of Kapurthala district, a young girl named Muskandeep Kaur had a challenging start to her school days. When just in class VII, she found herself frequently absent from school due to persistent health issues—diarrhea, stomach pain, and vomiting plagued her, often confining her to her home while her friends played outside.

“I used to miss school almost half  the month,” Muskandeep recalls, her voice tinged with the pain of those difficult times. “I was always sick, and it was hard to keep up with my studies.”

Two years ago, everything changed when a not-for-profit organization visited GHS Jhalthekriwal, Muskandeep’s school, to introduce a program that focused on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). “They taught us the importance of handwashing with soap,” Muskandeep explains. “They said we could prevent many diseases just by washing our hands before eating and after using the toilet.” Armed with this newfound knowledge, GHS Jhalthekriwal adopted the WASH program, supported by ITC Mission Sunehra Kal and implemented by FINISH Society. The transformation was remarkable—safe drinking water became available, and the school upgraded its facilities to include separate toilets and handwashing stations for boys and girls.

“Now,” Muskandeep proudly shares, “our school walls are adorned with colorful paintings and stickers showing everyone the steps for using the toilet and washing hands properly.” These simple yet crucial visuals have become a constant reminder for Muskandeep and her friends to practice good hygiene habits every day. As Muskandeep diligently started washing her hands with soap, her health began to improve. “I noticed I wasn’t getting sick as often,” she says with a smile. “I could go to school regularly and focus on my studies without worrying about my health.”

The impact of the WASH program extended beyond just health improvements—it empowered Muskandeep and her peers to take charge of their well-being. “I was chosen as the health minister of our school,” Muskandeep beams. “I now help spread awareness about hygiene among my classmates.” Today, GHS Jhalthekriwal stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and community support. Muskandeep’s journey from frequent illness to vibrant health is a story of resilience and empowerment, made possible by the collaborative efforts of ITC Mission Sunehra Kal, FINISH Society, and the dedicated teachers and students of GHS Jhalthikariwal.

“As health minister,” Muskandeep declares confidently, “I am determined to ensure every child in our school stays healthy and learns the importance of hygiene.” Her story inspires hope and underscores the profound impact of initiatives that prioritize the well-being of children, paving the way for a brighter, healthier future in Kapurthala.

Today Muskandeep Kaur’s smile reflects the promise of tomorrow, where every child can thrive with access to clean water, sanitation, and the knowledge that simple habits like handwashing can change lives forever.
